Rallye Rías Altas 2022

Spanish Rally Championship for Historic cars

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Our History

The Rallye Rías Altas Histórico was born in 2015, organised by the Club Rallye Rías Altas in which two entities collaborate with more than half a century of history and that during this time organised different car races in the Galician community.

The Rallye Rías Altas has been held for six editions, all of them scoring for the Spanish Rally Championship for Historic Vehicles (CERVH) and in all of them it has been considered as one of the best organised events. During these years the number of participants has always increased, both local teams and from the rest of the peninsula, breaking registration records in the CERVH.

In 2021 the race will be held on the 8th and 9th of October, maintaining in this edition the international character by being part of the European Historic Rally Tour, as last year.

Weather forecast

In other editions

The Rallye Rías Altas is disputed from the year 2015, these were some of its protagonists during these four editions


They make possible the Rallye Rías Altas, meet them visiting their websites

City councils and institutions that collaborate with us

Latest news

¡Vuelco en la clasificación del Rallye Rías Altas Histórico!

¡Vuelco en la clasificación del Rallye Rías Altas Histórico!

Tras una jornada de viernes más o menos tranquila y con una bonita pelea por la victoria entre Fernando Rico y Pablo Pazó, el sábado ha arrancado con un vuelco en la clasificación que deja, tras la tercera sección, a Álvaro Muñiz al frente de la clasificación general...

21 segundos en la lucha por la victoria

21 segundos en la lucha por la victoria

Es la diferencia con la que ha terminado la primera etapa del Rallye Rías Altas Histórico 2023 y la que tiene que administrar Fernando Rico en la segunda etapa frente a un Pablo Pazó que a buen seguro no va a dar su brazo a torcer. Rico terminaba la primera etapa sin...

Fernando Rico  – Miguel Peña, líderes tras el primer bucle

Fernando Rico – Miguel Peña, líderes tras el primer bucle

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